July 28 - Final Day of the Big Trip

Rose and Jenn were fortunate to be able to enjoy the Liard Hot Sprimgs very close to the campground where Ken installed the repaired axle. Alaskan beauty. And more! It was so great to see the Alaska sign. Can you tell these passengers are very excited? Many gas pumps in the Yukon Territory look like this. And you have to go inside and leave your credit card for the pump to be turned on. And they aren’t 24/7. And sometimes you have to wait in line. And sometimes they have no gas or their pumps just aren’t working. Gas can be as much as $6.50/gallon in Yukon. Joy. Joy. And more Joy. We saw a lot of bison. They are big! And several bears just roaming. Almost home! We are home and in our driveway! Top: July 28, 2024 arriving home Bottom: August 1, 2023 leaving home The truck and camper made it too! The trailer axle was repaired by Friday afternoon, so we headed back to Liard Hot Springs area from Whitehorse. 400 miles. 7 hours. Again. We ended up seeing 1...