July 28 - Final Day of the Big Trip

Rose and Jenn were fortunate to
be able to enjoy the Liard Hot Sprimgs 
very close to the campground where
Ken installed the repaired axle.

Alaskan beauty.

And more! It was so great to see 
the Alaska sign.

Can you tell these passengers are very excited?

Many gas pumps in the Yukon Territory 
look like this. And you have to go inside and
leave your credit card for the pump to be
turned on. And they aren’t 24/7. And sometimes
you have to wait in line. And sometimes
they have no gas or their pumps just aren’t working.
Gas can be as much as $6.50/gallon in Yukon.

Joy. Joy. And more Joy.

We saw a lot of bison.
They are big!

And several bears just roaming. 

Almost home!

We are home and in our driveway!

Top: July 28, 2024 arriving home 
Bottom: August 1, 2023 leaving home 
The truck and camper made it too!

The trailer axle was repaired by Friday afternoon, so we headed back to Liard Hot Springs area from Whitehorse. 400 miles. 7 hours. Again. We ended up seeing 120 bison and many bears. However, we did that stretch 3 times so roughly 40 bison each time and the herd didn’t move much.

Superman Ken, covered in bug spray, managed to install the axle while lying under the camper. He didn’t think Jenn and Rose could help and he needed the camper slide in, so they headed for the Hot Springs, a welcome respite.

Saturday morning we hit the road shortly after 6am and Ken drove 768 miles to Tok, Alaska. We also gained an hour after crossing the border and with daylight until after 10:30pm, light was in our favor. Rose spotted a beautiful rainbow as we entered Alaska which was so cool since she also spotted one 12 hours prior to that. 

The roads got rough after leaving Whitehorse and continued until we left Tok. Everything on the camper (not interior) stayed put as far as we could tell and we didn’t have any tire or axle problems. Thank God!

Sunday morning we left Tok around 6am at a balmy 37 degrees. Rose and Jenn are ecstatic to be back in Alaska. Traffic was very heavy heading towards Anchorage so the oncoming traffic was crazy. This was due to Sunday afternoon people leaving the Kenai Peninsula where salmon fishing is popular and dipnetting season for Alaskan residents is ending soon. We almost rear ended cars ahead of us when one stopped suddenly to make a turn but thankfully Ken’s fierce braking and Jenn’s screaming helped. Thank God! 

We arrived home around 3:30pm to a rainy and 57 degree day. So awesome to be out of lower 48 heat. And that is how the blog ends. Home sweet home! Thank you so much for praying for us. ❤️

Below is a link of the family and friends we saw while traveling. If somehow we missed you, please let Jenn know and she’ll fix that! God bless.

P.S. Ken says stay tuned for our next adventure. Jenn says 🤪.


Total truck miles: 33,471

Total camper miles: 18,098

Total states visited including Alaska: 36

Different KOAs we stayed at: 27

Number of days that we were gone: 362 (but we did return to Alaska twice and Ken three times)


  1. Sounds like the trip through Canada was a nightmare. Glad you are home.
    What an experience!

  2. Sooooo happy you are home safe and sound! Thank you Lord!! And we hope Rose knows how very fortunate she is to have a family that would take her to so many places!
    We love you all....

  3. Home!! No place on earth is as beautiful as home!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey with us. Yes, we are waiting for your next adventure!!

  4. Am surprised gas can be as much as $6.50/gallon in Yukon. I thought AK had the biggest oil field in the country and residents receive an annual dividend each year. Glad you guys are home -- I would have died from stress months ago! Great seeing y'all too!!

  5. Thank you, all. It is so great being home but also very exhausting unpacking and cleaning and walking around our house which feels so big. And sometimes I have to call Ken to find him, something that never happened in the camper. Until next time …


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