
Showing posts from July, 2024

July 28 - Final Day of the Big Trip

Rose and Jenn were fortunate to be able to enjoy the Liard Hot Sprimgs  very close to the campground where Ken installed the repaired axle. Alaskan beauty. And more! It was so great to see  the Alaska sign. Can you tell these passengers are very excited? Many gas pumps in the Yukon Territory  look like this. And you have to go inside and leave your credit card for the pump to be turned on. And they aren’t 24/7. And sometimes you have to wait in line. And sometimes they have no gas or their pumps just aren’t working. Gas can be as much as $6.50/gallon in Yukon. Joy. Joy. And more Joy. We saw a lot of bison. They are big! And several bears just roaming.  Almost home! We are home and in our driveway! Top: July 28, 2024 arriving home  Bottom: August 1, 2023 leaving home  The truck and camper made it too! The trailer axle was repaired by Friday afternoon, so we headed back to Liard Hot Springs area from Whitehorse. 400 miles. 7 hours. Again. We ended up seeing 120 bison and many bears. Howe

July 26 - Glacier National Park, Montana to Liard Hot Springs, Canada

One of the several bears we saw while driving. Photo compliments of Ken Sign post forest at Watson Lake Lots of bison Damaged axle getting hauled to Whitehorse 400 miles from where we left Le Camper. This is what we saw after seeing our tire roll by us and then into the woods. Same tire location that we’ve had issues  with this trip. Driver side rear trailer tire. The scenery is definitely getting more beautiful. Rose thinks it looks like Alaska. We waited from 10am to 8pm for the road to get fixed. Thankfully we had Le Camper for naps (Jenn), restroom, and a hot dinner.  Keep in mind this was in the middle of nowhere  so no cell service to get road updates either. Workers hard at work making a new road since the road was washed away from the river. Ken decided it was a good time to get in his run. Jenn scootered and Rose played  with her baton. Rose with twirling ribbon. Famous sign. We are still in Canada. So here’s where we went this past year. Jenn on an amazing kayak ride in Lower

July 19 - Hamilton and West Glacier, Montana

Suzanne, DeWayne, Rose, Ken, Jenn We enjoyed 2 nights at the West Glacier KOA with Ken’s siblings in a nearby cabin. Then  we stayed 3 additional nights.  These are the animals that we saw at  Glacier National Park: Mountain goat, squirrel, grizzly bear and big horn sheep. Highlights from Glacier NP Three of us at Logan Pass. View from our truck. We toured the Going to the Sun Road. It was mostly in the 90s and hot. I don’t think we really ever saw a glacier. Inside Glacier NP Rose and Aunt Suzanne working out  next to our camper. Aunt Suzanne claimed  that there was a nice breeze. Ken and Jenn at sunset in Glacier NP. Ken, Jenn, Rose, Ron, Laura, Jesse, Suzanne, DeWayne at their self serve laundry facility in Hamilton. Laura and Rose We got an awesome tour of their commercial laundry business.  Jeffrey, Laura with grandson Miles, DeWayne, Suzanne,  Roger, Ken, Laura’s grandsons Brooks and Lincoln, and Rose. Montana relatives of Ken. First cousins photo- Laura, DeWayne, Suzanne, Roger

July 12 - Iowa, South Dakota, and Yellowstone National Park

Ken, Pat, Michelle, Jenn, Rose George, Annabelle The Miller family lives in Lenexa, Kansas. We enjoyed a lovely BBQ lunch at Q39.  Thank you Millers. Pat and Ken They’ve been friends since elementary  school. Pat lives in Lenexa, Kansas. The Heller crew Wende, Abby, Brad, Ryan, Stewart, Linda,  Jenn, Ken and Rose They live in Olathe, Kansas. Thank you Linda for lovely desserts at the Silo and  Wende for the great tshirts!  Mount Rushmore South Dakota  Iowa sights Lots of corn and the church  Ken attended as a youngster. Yellowstone highlights  We saw lots of bison. Yellowstone - lots of geysers Apparently more than half of the world’s  geysers are located here. More geysers  The sulfur smell was strong at times. Our current map. We don’t expect to get to any additional states. We have visited a total of 36 states  including Alaska.  Montana scenery  Screenshot from our RV Life app The green dots are campgrounds where we stayed and they are recognized by the app. The red dots are either