September 17 - Sacramento, San Fran and Yosemite

Jenn and Rose - Golden Gate Bridge

Ken and Jenn - photo by Rose


San Francisco 

Jenn and Danielle

Ken and Rose

Yosemite - Valley View (Jenn’s bike)

Jenn, Rose, Ken


Jenn and Rose surprising Phil at front desk Yosemite Lodge

View from my house when I lived in Yosemite (Half Dome)

My house on Ahwahnee row

Chef Rose cooking us dinner

Camper and truck in Oakhurst, CA

So, we’ve been on the road over 1 1/2 months now. And although Ken says we are following good weather (aka not too hot) it was in the 90s in Sacramento. But it was so lovely to see Danielle from high school again. She hasn’t aged. We got together every evening except the day we went to San Francisco. We even tried a Zumba class together while Rose did a kids hip hop class. And I only saw one mosquito in that entire city! I had told Rose jokingly that there weren’t any because all of the people killed them (because there are so many people).

We all did the Alcatraz cruise and audio tour. Rose seemed very interested and intrigued by it all. On the way to dinner we just happened to walk by a street parking lot where a guy discovered his back window had been broken into. Then upon leaving Bubba Gumps for dinner there was a bit of commotion as wait staff were trying to run after people who did a Dine and Dash. In hindsight it seemed like our outing had a crime theme. Thankfully our truck wasn’t broken into. 

The Golden Gate Bridge was amazing and beautiful and we walked a bit on it at sunset (which was early like 730pm)! And both Ken and Rose ran to see their top speed on the radar which was 13mph. Wow! I’m not competitive nor a runner so I watched. 

Our drive to Oakhurst was pretty uneventful. Coming into Oakhurst there is a very long and steep downhill. As navigator I warn our driver and say “slow down, a steep hill is coming and I remember it being very long”. To which Ken says “I had a dream last night that our brakes went out”. And I say “Don’t tell me this when we are going downhill!” But all was fine, thankfully! 

We enjoyed the swimming hole at our campground upon arrival, well, after the set up that took us the LONGEST yet. Unfortunately the spot wasn’t the flattest, had rocks that don’t compact, and had 2 electrical boxes not near each other that we didn’t realize until we were nearly set up … and then we had to move the trailer. And it was hot! (High 80s)

Saturday we drove to Yosemite National Park and redeemed our voucher for a free annual National Park pass since Rose is a fourth grader. Ken graciously allowed me out of the truck at 6,000 ft to bike (aka coast mostly) down to the Valley floor (4,000 ft) like I used to do 25 years ago - in roughly 10 miles. It was a gorgeous day, but pretty busy. What a great ride - and yes, a few moments where I had to actually pedal. The descent is very curvy so I could not go too fast. Then we found a parking spot near El Capitan and all rode our bikes 10 miles together, which is really a great way to get around the park. 

I also was happy to surprise Phil at Yosemite Lodge. We have kept in touch for the past 25 years and used to work together at the Lodge.

School is going well. Rose learned division very quickly and is excited about that. She also finished the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book so we watched the 1971 movie together. Abby is doing well in her PSY101 class and is cooking and baking great dishes including pumpkin chili and pumpkin bread. 

Thank you again for all of the prayers. 


  1. It was great to talk with you today. I love all the stories and Yosemite brings fond memories.

  2. Glad you got to go to Yosemite! Looks awesome! Thanks for the update!

    1. Yes we were glad too. You’re welcome. Can’t wait to see you guys at some point.

  3. I just finished reading all you have so far. What a great trip and your pictures are just beautiful!!! Looking forward to following along more and thank you for sharing the link!


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