October 22 - St George and Bryce Canyon, Utah

30 minutes after leaving Las Vegas

Drive to St George

More scenery 

Pool at St George campground

Sand Hollow State Park

Bike trail in St George near Virgin River

Sign on trail

Drive to Bryce Canyon

Tunnel on way to Bryce Canyon

Natural Bridge at Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon National Park

Bike lane and road to Tropic, Utah - nice downhill into the town

Hike to Mossy Cave

Mossy Cave trail

The drive leaving Las Vegas started out uneventful although traffic was somewhat heavy. Then about 30 minutes later and within 15 minutes of me updating the last post to say we hit over 8,000 travel miles, the rear left trailer tire “exploded”. The location wasn’t ideal but Ken managed to drive to the far left lane that was blocked off and therefore available. Within 20 minutes we were on the road again. (For a more detailed story, ask Jenn or Ken). Thankfully no accidents were caused by our tire and we were all safe. PTL

The drive to St George was quite beautiful and the campground was on the outskirts of town with a lovely pool and pickleball courts. We don’t play yet but met lots of people who were participating in the big (1,100 players) tournament nearby. The city also had a lot of paved biking trails and Jenn enjoyed those.  Rose took 3 gymnastics classes and succeeded at her first back bend kick over from the floor and has been ecstatic ever since.

Ken was seen at an urgent care orthopedic clinic for his knee that he injured after jumping like a wild kangaroo on August 11th (Rose’s birthday) at a trampoline park in Washington state. It hasn’t gotten better on its own unfortunately. The PA believes it is a sprained meniscus and will get better with rest within a month. So we are hopeful and Ken is trying to rest. 

We took a side trip to Sand Hollow State Park which was about 30 minutes away and waded in the water and Rose played in the red sand. This park was very popular with ATVs.

After only 4 nights in St George we left Friday morning for Bryce Canyon National Park, one of my favorites. We will be here for 7 nights. We are at almost 8,000 feet and it’s quite dry. We also need our heat for the first time as the low temperatures are in the 30’s and we have to disconnect from the campground water supply at night. During the day it has been in the 70s but should be dropping later this week into the 60s.

PS Ken upgraded our trailer tires. Praying they will last the rest of our trip. 

PSS Abby got an A+ in her first ASU class PSY101! Yay Abby. She also has put up Christmas lights outside of our house since you really need to do that before the first big snow. She is doing well. ❤️

PSSS People often ask if we have found any place we would like more than Alaska to live. The only places I have found so far are Crater Lake and Bryce Canyon. And Ken says they are too remote.

**Happy birthday Mom! 10/23 💕”


  1. Wonderful accomplishments for Rose in gymnastics and Abby in school! Bummer on the knee and the tire. You all are missed! Is there anyway I can sign up to get an email when you post? I’ve loved reading about your trip. Does it feel weird to always be on the move or have you kind of settled into the nomad lifestyle?

    1. Awww thank you Laura. I’m not sure but I try to post on Sundays so if you check Sunday night or Mondays you should see new posts.

    2. We try to stay one week at places and we like that. It’s just enough time to schedule gymnastic classes, tour the area, find our way around, then move on. It’s hardest when we are visiting friends or family then need to leave.

  2. PTL for sure that no one was injured because of the tire blow out. Thank you for the Birthday wishes. Congratulations to Abby and Rose on their accomplishments.

  3. So glad you're all safe. I was at Bryce Canyon a few years ago with Lori and some of the grandkids. Such a beautiful place. Congrats to Abby and Rose. Can't wait to see you all.

    1. Oh fun! Thank you and we look forward to seeing you too!


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