October 29 - Bryce Canyon and Moab, Utah

Rose near Bryce Canyon 

Kodachrome Basin State Park

Kodachrome Basin State Park

Ken and Rose hiking

Jenn, Rose, Ken at Bryce Point 

Rose and Jenn at Bryce Canyon stables

Rose and Two Bit

1.5 hour ride in Bryce Canyon

Beautiful horse ride!

Rose saying goodbye

Ken with a few gallons of gas

Moab KOA pool

Rose’s carved pumpkin

Rose’s painted pumpkin 

Crafts at campground

Hike at Arches National Park



Double Arch

Ken’s Lake

The temperatures in Bryce Canyon were our coolest yet and dipped into the 20s at night. We also learned that we don’t have the Arctic package on our trailer and so Ken had to disconnect us from campground water a few nights. 

I was able to do a few awesome bike rides (21 speed, not e-bike) including a 27.5 mile ride at 7500/8000 feet in elevation including a 5 mile climb and a 10 mile ride into the park at 8,000 ft and above.

Rose practiced gymnastics outside on a mat in our grassy campsite spot for hours and Ken did a few motorcycle rides for fun. 

I practiced my french the evening we hit the hot tub as there were lots of French people from Paris and Nice. That was fun! They said that everything in the United States is BIG, food isn’t great, and at this time everything is very expensive for them.

Rose and I wrapped up our time at Bryce Canyon with an amazing horse ride down to the bottom of Bryce Canyon. Her brown and white horse was Two Bit and my brown one was Sanka. Rose said she wanted to do that again and she did great. The views were spectacular! 

I would like to report that our travels from Bryce to Moab (roughly 250 miles) were uneventful. However, at one point I asked Ken how we were on gas and he said 1/3 tank. We didn’t pass any gas stations for over 175 miles. I informed him that the nearest stations were about 70 miles away and our range showed about the same. Long story short Ken didn’t want to risk running empty on Interstate 70 where the speed limit was 80 mph so we exited prior to the gas stations with a range of 6 miles of gas left and Ken rode his motorcycle into town to get a few gallons. Always something!

Moab is very scenic and beautiful. The KOA had a lot of fun activities planned Saturday night before Halloween but unfortunately a lot of them got canceled due to heavy rain. Sunday was very windy but we managed to hike a few little hikes in Arches National Park, just 15 minutes from our campground. The sky was a beautiful blue as you can see in the pictures. What you don’t see is the 46 degree weather and gusty winds! 

We are here until Friday and then will head to Flagstaff for 9 nights unless their temperatures drop too much. 

Thank you again for all of the prayers! On November 1st we will hit THREE months on the road. 


  1. Will you be visiting some of your friends in Flagstaff? It sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. God Bless.


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