December 10 - Phoenix, Arizona

Rose working on a 1,000 piece puzzle in the clubhouse 

Rose at Goldfield Ghost Town 

Ghost Town Cowboy Commandments 

Inside church at Ghost Town - Rose loved the church 

Ghost Town

My dear friend Jill, Rose and I
Jill and I took CPA exams at the same time 
She treated us to the Nutcracker Ballet at Symphony Hall 

Rose and Jennifer 

Jenn and Nivedita, former neighbor in Flagstaff

All of us
Sawyer, Wilder, Maddie, Iris, Rose, Jenn, Anderson, Ken

Rose, Wilder and Iris

Rose and Iris

Rose made these beautiful decorations 
For our camper

Our tree and two nutcrackers 

Well this past week just flew by. Ken is recovering well from his surgery. School is going well and we got to spend time with the kids and grandkids on Saturday. 

Jenn and Rose were treated by Jenn’s friend Jill to the Nutcracker Ballet at Phoenix Symphony Hall on Friday night. Rose enjoyed getting dressed up and being “fancy.”

Jenn also spent time with Nivedita. We were neighbors with her family in Flagstaff and have kept in touch since we left there in 2016. 

Rose and Jenn spent an afternoon at the Goldfield Ghost Town which is pretty close to our campground in Apache Junction. It was 80 that day so quite toasty. Rose also did gymnastics lessons twice and Jenn did CrossFit once. They also attended the beginners pickleball class at the campground and now feel that they know all of the rules. 

It’s been a fun week catching up with friends and family! 

Christmas is in the air. Well at least that’s the expression. It just seems weird that it’s so warm yet it’s Christmas season. We aren’t used to this. At the pool today (which is heated). I was doing laps as people were sitting around the pool with sweatshirts and knitted caps!  It was 71. Toasty for us Alaskans. 

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas season. 


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