March 24 - Mims, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia

Jenn and Rose at Martin Luther King Jr 
National Historical Site - Atlanta, GA
It was in the 40s in the morning, a very warm
Alaska winter day.

Kennedy Space Center 
Jenn visited before when she worked for
Delaware North and trained staff on their new
Oracle accounting system. 

The three of us at KSC - 5 hours until launch 

Rose as participant in show at KSC
Unfortunately her racquetball broke after being 
placed in liquid nitrogen. Poor “Bond” (she named it).

Jenn and Rose at KSC
It was a lovely day.

Rose at KSC 
This is the launch we were so blessed to see.
It took place at 4:55pm. They have a very narrow
window to meet up with the ISS that travels at 
17,500 mph.

Headed to launch. Looks like a clear sky.

Waiting for launch with many others.
The weather was perfect with a 90% chance of it being a go.

There it goes.

And off we go, but a little slower than the rocket.

Jenn and Neil, a cyclist friend since we met 
in Yosemite National Park years ago.
Neil lives in Atlanta and has visited 
us in Alaska.

Macon, GA
Cute little downtown area with 
shops and restaurants.
They were having a Cherry Blossom festival.

Trampoline park - Macon, GA
Look how the boys are watching Rose slam dunk.
Coach Hawley (PE teacher and girls BB coach 
at school) would be proud.

Updated map - we added Georgia.

Ebenezer Baptist Church - MLK Jr’s church 
Atlanta, GA

Current Ebenezer Baptist Church 
Atlanta, GA
The pastor is also a U.S. Senator. 

Georgia Aquarium 
There was a moving walkway on the left. 

Lots of fish 


Love these! They were doing a little dance.

Rose near African penguin. She crawled
in a tunnel to get this view. Ken and I opted to 
not crawl in the tunnel.

Neil and Jenn at the Varsity 
Neil treated our family to an early dinner at this
iconic eatery in downtown Atlanta. 

Atlanta traffic 
I’m always happy when we are traveling
in the opposite direction.

Great RV
You may like the slogan if you’ve seen
the Chevy Chase movie.
**This is not our RV.**

Well it’s been a great week. 

I returned from visiting a university with Abby on Tuesday and we wrapped up our week in the Kennedy Space Center area with a visit to the Kennedy Space Center on Thursday. I had booked our KOA campground months ago and have been looking for launches but there have been none scheduled. The day of, however, Ken overheard someone talking about a launch and just like that, there was one taking place later that day. Elon must have known we were visiting. So, we spent the whole day at the KSC in order to view the 4:55pm launch from a lawn on the KSC grounds. That was awesome! We arrived an hour and half early to get a seat on the bleachers and enjoyed the commentary from a guy who seemed to know all about launches. He encouraged everyone to stay seated when the launch happened and surprisingly they did. Rose loved it and had some great commentary including “it’s so beautiful.”

We are getting quite good (and fast) at tearing down and setting up our camper when we move. Arriving in Atlanta it was raining and it had rained most of our trip. My raincoat has yet to be used on this trip and is under our bed so I just had on a sweatshirt. I’m tasked with outside jobs of electric and water set up as Ken gets the dirtier jobs.  First the spray nozzle was on so when I turned on the water the camper got a little shower. Then there was a kink in the hose. I fixed it but didn’t realize the hose was aiming at me so nonetheless I got a little more soaked than I expected. Ken had some sort of comment like “what the heck are you doing?” as if I did it on purpose and was playing around. We both got a good laugh and Rose thought it was hilarious. 

Atlanta was great with highlights above in photos. The Georgia Aquarium was mentioned to me by Erica although she hasn’t been. I would highly recommend it. 

Thanks for the prayers for health, safety and all the things. 
Would appreciate prayers this week for my dad who’s in the hospital in Pennsylvania. He wasn’t feeling well and ended up falling in his home. He heard a crack but they say nothing is fractured. 


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