April 28 - Rodanthe, North Carolina and Virginia Beach, Virginia

Thanks Holly for this picture. We saw it
but I wasn’t quick enough to take a picture. 
I think they need signs that say: 

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
What postcards look like vs what we saw. 
Restoration project.

Sunset in Rodanthe, NC

Moon rise in Rodanthe, NC

Rose, Jenn and Ken at Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.

Sunset at Rodanthe, NC.

Kite surfer at Rodanthe, NC.
My friend Erica and I want to do this.
Winds in the Rodanthe area make this a 
great location for this sport. 

Another sunset photo.

Nearby lighthouse 

View from Bodie Island Light Station.
Jenn climbed the 99 steps on her way to
CrossFit class.

Updated map.

Colonial Williamsburg

Thomas Jefferson (actor)

Maze that has no exit.
This is why people spend so much time at
Colonial Williamsburg.

Colonial Williamsburg 

Blacksmith shop.
Rose asked a lot of very good questions.

Tin shop.
Rose liked all of the things that 
they made. She also asked if the lady
preferred taking 5 hours to make a plate 
or would she rather buy one at WalMart that took
seconds to make. 

Shop where they made breeches.

Pharmacy. A bit simpler
than modern day pharmacies.
Rose was not impressed.

Rose at KOA Virginia Beach.
“Honey, I shrunk Rose!”

Another jumping pillow at KOA.
Rose spends hours on these.

The smell of salt water is one that I really love. Especially when biking. Rodanthe was excellent for this when it wasn’t too windy. Situated between the ocean and the sound there were either sidewalks to ride on or nicely paved bike lanes. I was fortunate to ride two easy 25 mile rides, one in each direction on Highway 12. Ken was able to run his weekly 25 miles but didn’t like running in the gusty wind. Rose was on the jump pad as much as she was able and also had a great week at school since she was very motivated to finish quickly and get back on the jump pad.

Rodanthe was pretty remote with the closest grocery stores about 30 minutes away. Sunsets were the most popular evening activity. And kite surfers were on both the sound and the ocean side. They were very fun to watch leaping over the waves on the ocean side. They made it look so easy. And fun.

Ken reminded me that he likes 70 degree temperatures so the days in the 50s and 60s didn’t quite meet his expectations, and with the wind it didn’t feel very warm. He was ready to head north to Virginia Beach on Friday where temperatures were forecasted to be warmer. Rose was sad to leave as she had met some new friends. 

Saturday we spent the day at Colonial Williamsburg. We started the visit with my phone flying out of my hand screen down right onto the pavement. I knew it wouldn’t look pretty. And I was right. Fireworks were scattered all over my glass screen protector. But since we are in a populated area, I was able to order a replacement to be delivered the next day on Amazon versus an arrival date over 2 weeks later had we been in Alaska. The lower 48 perks. (Sorry Alaskan friends.)

Back to the visit. Our visit was lovely with horse drawn carriages in the village, quaint colonial homes and businesses, and people dressed in 1700 costumes. Rose seemed to enjoy talking to all of the tradespeople but as we were getting ready to leave, pensively said “I couldn’t live like this…. Where there’s nothing.” She was ready to get back to civilization as we know it. 

Our campground has a lovely pool and lazy river and with temperatures in the high 70s this week, it should be a nice and relaxing week. 

Thank you again for the prayers for safety, health, and all the things. 



  1. Great pictures. I agree with Rose about not wanting to live in frontier days.

  2. Easy 25 miles??!! lol! When will you be in the DC area? Love these posts! ❤️LDD

    1. Yes, the rides were very easy. I could have biked all day down there. We will be in the DC area this Friday 5/3 for 8 nights.

  3. The sunset pictures are gorgeous! I like Colonial Williamsburg. Does Ken run 25 miles all at once?

    1. Thank you! That’s his weekly mileage. 😃

    2. So happy you could use that picture! I got that from the rest stop after one of our NC trips. Your sunset pictures are spectacular - I'm enjoying all of your pictures. Your trip sounds like so much fun and what an experience for Rose!


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