May 17 - New Stanton, Pennsylvania and Alaska

My mom Nana, Rose and Jenn
At the Anchorage airport 

Abigail graduated from high school.

The sign as we crossed the border and entered PA.
No one in PA seemed familiar with the slogan.

Aunt Michele enjoying Rose’s violin playing.

Our current map.

Uncle Greg and my Dad at Bud Murphy’s
in Connellsville, PA. We enjoyed pizza
and a great visit.

Hail, not snow near our camper in
New Stanton, PA.

Nana and Rose at Twin Lakes in 
Greensburg, PA.

My mom and me.
We had a lovely Mother’s Day.

Nana and Rose having fun.

Jenn, Rose and Aunt Michele
at her house in Pittsburgh, PA.

Rose loved Aunt Michele 
and Uncle Jeff’s house.

Uncle Jeff, Aunt Michele, Rose,
Jenn and Ken in Pittsburgh, PA.
Jeff and I went to high school together.

Nana taught Rose to knit on the plane
from Pittsburgh to Seattle.

Look at her go! She made a scarf for Abby.

Oh how I love Alaska.

Nana and Abby near the Kenai River.

Abigail getting ready for the
graduation ceremony.

Rose and Abby after the graduation.

Nana, Ken, Abby, Jenn and Rose.

Abby celebrating!

Congrats Abigail!

Rose doing a handstand at a drop in
gymnastics class in Soldotna.

We opted to hand Abby’s 
diploma to her. It was a
very special moment. 

We made it to Pennsylvania on Saturday and enjoyed a few days of our stay there before flying back to Alaska on Tuesday with my mom for Abby’s high school graduation. 

We had a lovely dinner with my dad and Uncle Greg Saturday night at Bud Murphy’s. Both of them are doing very well. 

Mother’s Day was lovely with a hibachi lunch and nice walk at Twin Lakes Park with my mom (Nana). We also were able to visit my sister Michele and Jeff in Pittsburgh on Monday before Rose’s hair appointment and had a lovely lunch at their home.

Tuesday was a long day of travel to Anchorage followed by a 3 hour drive to our home. My mom traveled with us.

Of course the big highlight was Abigail’s high school graduation on Thursday at 4pm. It was a lovely ceremony and she graduated! Not that we weren’t expecting that. She has worked very hard and has always given her best with academics. We are very proud parents. 

We are enjoying time with family and friends in Alaska until we fly out very early Tuesday (red eye). Thank you for all of the prayers. ❤️šŸ™



  1. Having a wonderful time in Alaska with the family

  2. I have so much enjoyed all of your posts. Can't believe you only have a couple more months to go. So happy for Abby. You all have been so fortunate to see so much of the country plus seeing so many friends and relatives. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes it has been a great trip.


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