June 14 - New Hampshire, Niagara Falls, New York and Sandusky, Ohio

Mom, Kimberly, Rose and Jenn 
Portsmouth, NH Market Square Day

Aunt Kimberly and Rose in
Portsmouth, NH

Leigh prepping lobster for an amazing dinner
that we enjoyed. Rose didn’t know what a 
lobster bag* was and now she does.
Leigh is Kimberly’s husband. 
* where you store live lobsters 

Modern Pastry in Boston, Massachusetts 
Great cannolis!

Rainy morning in Boston 
Ken, John, Suzanne, Kimberly, Leigh,
Rose, Evangeline, Mom
Suzanne is Ken’s sister and John is her
husband. Suzanne gave us a great
walking tour of Boston.

Cheers from Boston, MA
Leigh, Evangeline, Ken, Mom,
Jenn, Kimberly and Rose

Random large chair on our travels.

Niagara Falls, New York

Rose, Ken and Jenn
Maid of the Mist electric boat ride.
We got very wet!

Back of trailer.
See blog for more details.

Ken getting close with mayflies.
Millions of these are in this part of Ohio
for 2 weeks a year. Aren’t we lucky? 😂 

Rose and her new wolf.
Jenn won it at the amusement park when
the guesser thought Jenn was younger.
By 13 years! Awesome.
Rose at Cedar Point 
Soo many roller coasters.

Corkscrew roller coaster.

Roller coasters everywhere

Millennium Force - Jenn’s favorite 

The past week has been busy with a fun day in Portsmouth, New Hampshire at the Market Square Day, a delicious lobster meal compliments of Leigh and Kimberly, and a day in Boston to visit Ken’s sister and brother-in-law and introduce them to Kimberly, Leigh and Evangeline. Evangeline will be studying at Suffolk University this fall which isn’t far from where Suzanne and John are living in Boston. Suzanne is a retired professional runner and Evangeline will be running in college so maybe they will run together in Boston. We had a lovely visit with everyone.

Monday we left New Hampshire and headed to Niagara Falls, New York. It was a long drive shy of 500 miles. We left before 6am to ensure that we had time to visit Niagara Falls, and more particularly the Maid of the Mist. We normally don’t leave that early.

Tuesday we headed to Sandusky, Ohio, home to Cedar Point amusement park which is famous for wild roller coasters. Rose loves coasters and Jenn mostly does but surprisingly there were a few that Rose wasn’t really excited about riding. Jenn loved the Millenium Force that boasted a 300 foot drop and speed over 90mph. Jenn didn’t have neck issues prior to riding the first one but felt that she did afterwards. Chiropractors should have booths set up in the park. Just sayin.

**Ken gave Jenn exclusive rights to this next story for the blog.** Upon arrival at our first campground Ken parked at registration in between two other campers. Jenn may or may not have encouraged him to park further away to not be so close to others. Ken may or may not have agreed. Needless to say upon set up Ken noticed the back of the camper deck was scraped and there was white paint on the side. Long story short Ken found the other vehicle still at registration and left a note. The damage to that car was let’s just say “not pretty.” Hopefully this is and was the only time we will cause damage as we heard absolutely nothing when leaving registration. Then again there were loud roller coasters very nearby and maybe that’s why we heard nothing.

Cedar Point was fun but hot - 70s and 80s. Thankfully we could get drinks every 15 minutes with our Drink Pass even though once Jenn was turned down with a “you need to wait another minute” even though she was only drinking water.

We moved campgrounds for our last 3 days. The new campground has 2 great pools and lots of activities for kids. It should be a fun and relaxing weekend. And to all of the fathers out there - Happy Father’s Day! 



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