February 18 - Naples, Florida

Suzanne (Ken’s sister), Rose, Abby and me
surprising Ken with his old high school football jerseys
during the Super Bowl game

Sign I encountered while biking 

Tigertail beach on Marco Island

Raccoon having lunch 

Lots of seashells at Tigertail Beach

Ken, Abby, me, Suzanne and Rose at beach 

Same beach 

Rose at beach 

Dinner at Le Camper
* The Camper

Ken treated us to dinner for Valentine’s Day 

Ken and me

Aunt Suzanne and Rose

Us four 

Aunt Suzanne with Rose and Abby

Aunt Suzanne and Abby


Suzanne and Ken

Rose’s new hair 
Leanna’s Beauty Salon did an amazing job 
Rose did great sitting for 7 hours 

Saturday morning pastries at the
Bistro La Baguette, a short walk 
from our campground 

Gopher tortoises

One of the 500 burrowing owls on
Marco Island who nest underground 

Another great week. Abby is still visiting with us which has been great. We enjoyed time at the beach on Marco Island, our campground pool, Aunt Suzanne’s condo pool, and more. The weather has been quite warm during the day (70s) and except for the nonstop rain today, it has been very dry. 

I convinced Suzanne (Ken’s sister) to try CrossFit Naples with me and it was a great class. We found Open Gym time for Rose at a nearby gymnastics center and she enjoyed 3 hours there on Friday night. Ken is still running 4 miles a day five days a week, with a goal of getting back to 8 miles a day in a few months. I braved the traffic and crazy drivers and biked 20 miles one morning before school. On other days I walked to a nearby park (Sugden) and walked on a paved path around the lake. Rose gets recess breaks during school where we normally scooter around the campground. 

Today we went to First Church Naples and enjoyed great music and teaching. This church was recommended to us by Shannon’s mom so thank you Shannon. (Friend in Soldotna) Tonight we are headed to Aunt Suzanne’s for dinner. 

Thank you for the prayers for safety and health and all of the things. 


  1. How many meals are consumed during a 7-hour hair appointment?


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