April 28 - Rodanthe, North Carolina and Virginia Beach, Virginia

Thanks Holly for this picture. We saw it but I wasn’t quick enough to take a picture. I think they need signs that say: NEW STATE SIGN ONE MILE AHEAD! Cape Hatteras Lighthouse What postcards look like vs what we saw. Restoration project. Sunset in Rodanthe, NC Moon rise in Rodanthe, NC Rose, Jenn and Ken at Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. Sunset at Rodanthe, NC. Kite surfer at Rodanthe, NC. My friend Erica and I want to do this. Winds in the Rodanthe area make this a great location for this sport. Another sunset photo. Nearby lighthouse View from Bodie Island Light Station. Jenn climbed the 99 steps on her way to CrossFit class. Updated map. Colonial Williamsburg Thomas Jefferson (actor) Maze that has no exit. This is why people spend so much time at Colonial Williamsburg. Colonial Williamsburg Blacksmith shop. Rose asked a lot of very good questions. Tin shop. Rose liked all of the things that they made. She also asked if the lady preferred tak...