May 31 - New Stanton, Pennsylvania

My mom “Nana”, Rose and me. Rose enjoyed baking cookies with Nana and spending time with her. We had a blast boating with my sister Michele and her boyfriend Jeff at Yough Dam. My nephew Tre came to visit us at Fox Den Acres. His birthday is today, May 31st! We got to see my Dad several times at his house and the campground and he treated us to a few meals. Nobiles in Youngwood is always good! (Sue F - highly recommend) Enjoyed visits with friends. Holly - Our families went to Nags Head together when we were younger. She lives in Virginia and enjoys competing in 5K races. Sue - IUP college friends and we went to France together one summer. We enjoyed a lovely Memorial Day picnic at her home with her family and friends. Janeen - We worked at McDonald’s on the PA Turnpike in high school. She was a coveted “hostess” and didn’t have to cook burgers or take orders. We walked to a lovely restaurant from her house and she treated me to a great dinner. We enjoyed our visits with Unc...